ASUS Россия

Ищем супергероев digital-маркетинга!

В команду ASUS требуются профессионалы, которые будут заниматься продвижением наших продуктов на рынках России, СНГ и Балтии. Мы ищем одного или нескольких профи, готовых работать на фрилансе из дома, в офисе или совмещать два этих рабочих места. Описание вакансии:

Digital media buy specialist
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Working Location: Moscow

— Bachelor’s degree in marketing, business, digital media, or related field
— Fluent English.

Tools Knowledge Required:
-Proficient in Microsoft Power Point and Excel.
-Full understanding of Google including GMP/ FB-IG/ Twitter/ LinkedIn/ Tiktok / VK / Yandex related boosting mechanism and content formats and KPI measurement.
-Google Ads and Analytics certification
-Yandex Advertisement Network certification
-Facebook blueprints certification
-Experience with 3rd party dashboard tools, such as DataStudio

Main Skills:
-Excellent understanding of Tech Industry and product-oriented person for Computers and Smartphones.
-Good communication Skills.
-Excellent organization methods and skills.
-Previous experience on working in media buy agency is a plus.

Main Activities:
— Develop and execute digital media buy strategies to create product/ campaign awareness, drive traffic and conversions on ASUS web properties, campaigns optimization
— Analyze data and researching the target audience and manage budgets, pacing, and performance to goals
— Considering appreciate timings of media activities, based upon usage patterns and seasonal factors
— Negotiating the best price, quality and placement of advertisements
— Finance / Post Execution reports

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ASUS Россия

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